Jim Paton Photography

2011 Yellowstone Winter

Started out in Bozeman, stayed a first night in Mammoth Hot Springs, stayed several days around Old Faithful, and then back to the Mammoth Hot Springs area for the Wolf Discovery tour.

Winter Sunrise in Lamar Valley Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Winter Sunrise in Lamar Valley   Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Out early on the Winter Wolf Discovery tour. It looked like the sun was peeking over the hilltops but eventually there was three bright areas. It's actually a partial halo around the sunrise in the middle. There was only enough ice crystals suspended in the air near to the ground so a complete halo never formed. I just wish I had brought my polarizer so the colors in the rainbow would show up better. Nine exposure HDR. - February 09, 2011 - 1/1000 sec at f / 8.0 - 20 mm - ISO 200 - 44°55'15" N 110°19'1" W